introduction to crime

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Crime is as old as the human civilization itself. Crime in some of the other form of the time the human race has come to life.

Societies define crime as the breach of one or more rules or laws for which governing authority may appoint "police agencies".

while every crime violates the law, not every violation of the law counts as a crime.

Example- Breaches of contract and of other civil law may rank as "offences".


(a) Cognizable Crime- 

A cognizable offence or case is defined as one in which is an officer in charge of a police station may investigate without a warrant.

(b) Non-Cognizable Crime- 

It is an offence that is defined as those which can not be investigated by police without the order of a competent magistrate. 

The first schedule of  CrPC gives the classification of the offence of IPC into cognizable and non-cognizable categories.

The criminal procedure code (CrPC) divided all the crime into two categories:

1.Cognizable - Section 2 (c) CrPC.

2.Non-cognizable - Section 2 (l) CrPC.


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