theory of criminal behaviour

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These are some Definitions 

1. Legal Criminal Behaviour or action that's prohibited by the state and punishable under the Law. 

2. Moral Criminal Behavior refers to an action that violates the norms of faith and morality and is believed to be punishable by a supreme supernatural being. 

3. Social Criminal Behaviour refers to an action that violates the norms of custom and tradition and is punishable by the community.

4. Psychological Criminal Behaviour refers to an action that will be rewarding to its actor but inflict pain or loss-on-other it's criminal behaviour that's anti-social behaviour. 


Any behaviour that has a Criminal Intention. 

MENS REA- Criminal Intention/Guilty Mind. 


'Causes of Crime’ there's nobody explanation for crime. 

Crime may be a highly complex phenomenon that changes across cultures and across time. 

Activities that are legal in one country (alcohol consumption within the UK) are sometimes illegal in others 

(e.g. Some strict Muslim country). 

As culture change over time, behaviour that when wasn't criminal may become criminalized and decriminalized again 

(e.g. -alcohol prohibition within the USA) 


(1) Rational Choice theory- As per this theory crime may be a passion of somebody and also the individuals not only plan to commit a crime but decide when and where to commit a criminal offence. 

This branch of criminology sees individuals as rational actors; individuals are capable of constructing their own choices, which incorporates choosing to commit a criminal offence. 

In any course of action, individuals weigh up the likely benefits and downsides of every action. 

(2) Social Learning Theory- Social learning theory considers the formation of one’s identity to be a response to social stimuli. It emphasizes the societal context of socialization instead of the individual mind. 

This theory postulates that are individual’s identity isn't the merchandise of the unconscious (such because the belief of psychoanalytic theorists), but instead is that the results of modelling oneself in response to the expectations of others. 

According to social learning theory, people engaged in crime due to their association with others who engaged in crime. 

Their criminal behaviour is reinforced and that they learn beliefs that are favourable to crime 

They essentially have criminal models that they go together with. Social learning idea postulates that there are three mechanisms by which individual learn to have interaction in crime: Differential reinforcement, beliefs and modelling. 

(3) Group action Theory- The group action theory sees crime as a result of social institutions losing control over individuals. 

Weak installations like a certain condition of households, the failure of the regional public and the disintegration of faith within the authorities and law enforcement are attached to higher crime rates.

There are four communal connections- 

Attachment, Responsibility, Engagement and Faith. 

‘Human is a nice gainer of negativity’- one would predict the ‘typical delinquent’ to be young, single, unemployed and doubtless male. 

Conversely, people who are married and at work are less likely to commit a crime- those that are involved and a part of social institutions is a smaller amount likely to travel astray. 

4) Tag Theory- Labeling or Tag theory proposes that applying a label, whether which means informally designating a “Bad Kid” or a “Trouble Maker” or more formal arrest or incarceration record, features a long-term effect on a given person. 

According to this society treat the person as a criminal. 

Community learning theory means that we employ ourselves in either illegal or legal action supported by the communal situation around us, which we’re specifically affected by how others honour our ideal nature. 

(5) Social Disorganization Theory- According to the social disorganization theory that a person's personal and social surroundings are mainly responsible for the behavioural choices that a person forms.

At the core of social disorganization, the idea is that location matters when it involves predicting criminality. 

1. The initial expectation is that the destruction of community-based managements and people living in these impaired neighbourhoods are reacting commonly to environmental situations. 

2. The second is the growth of migration in metropolitan impaired neighbourhoods. 

3. The third could be a trade located near the impaired neighbourhoods that are affected by the “ecological way” of competition and power. 

4. The fourth and last assumption is disadvantaged urban neighbourhoods cause the developments of criminal values that replace normal society. 

The theory isn't been wont to explain social group, corporate crime or deviant behaviour that takes place outside neighbourhood settings. 

(6) Genetics and Biological Theories- Biological explanation of crime assume that some people are ‘Born criminal’, who are physiologically distinct from non-criminals. Biological theories of crime asserted a linkage between certain biological condition and an increasing tendency to have interaction in criminal behaviour.

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